Happy Masterpiece Monday beloved. We’ve focused on hope and on joy over the last two weeks. This week’s focus is Peace! What I’ve learned about peace is that it’s an inside job. We all have the individual responsibility to take internal inventory and to learn what’s required for our “motherboard” to work properly. Any disruption of our peace can cause us to short circuit, miscommunicate to ourselves and to others, or to completely lose sight of our critical function. Peace is not the absence of conflict but the ability to cope with it according to your “motherboard” specifications. Create spaces that demand it and carry it with you everywhere that you go. Peace over everything! Disrupt any mindset that is on assignment to support the opposite of peace. Masterpieces exude and attract peace!
#hope #joy #peace #itsaninsidejob #internal #inventory #motherboard #youcanthavemypeace #protectmypeace #properfunction #personalinventory #personaldevelopment #selfawareness #copewithconflict #demandit #carryit #peaceovereverything #mindsetdisruptor #themasterpiecemindset #themasterpieceproject #exdudepeace #attractpeace