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No More Rubbernecking!

As my husband drove me into work this morning, I couldn’t help but notice the rubbernecking that was occurring on the other side of the highway. As I observed that there wasn’t any debris in the road and that those involved in the accident had already pulled over onto the shoulder, it was clear that there wasn’t any reason for the rubbernecking. But is there ever?

For some reason this traffic misfortune caught my attention this morning more than usual and the more that I pondered, I heard a small still voice say “No More Rubbernecking”. It struck a cord instantly. And I’m sure it can with you as well as it applies to us in every area of our lives; our career goals, our dreams and aspirations, our visions and plans for the future. We can no longer stare aimlessly at what others are doing while slowing down our own progression. We can no longer slow down those that are behind us who are waiting for us to move forward. No More Rubbernecking. We have got to focus and stay focused with a target in mind.

Study how others before you have done it and been successful. It’s going to take endurance and it’s going to take discipline. You’re going to have to drive through a long litany of hostility and a host of other things that could be in your view but stay focused. No More Rubbernecking!

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