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Is it time to unsubscribe?

Happy Masterpiece Monday beautiful people. I pray that you are energized for your day and week ahead. Be sure to re-set daily and re-charge in areas that need your attention. I read a financial article recently that stressed the importance of unsubscribing to email ads that easily bait you to spend money if you want to save money. I thought it was a great tip and I already see the difference. But I also started to question what else I might need to unsubscribe to. Are there thoughts, habits and behaviors that no longer serve me well in this season of my life? Well, there certainly is. This type of critical thinking and course correction requires introspective insight. I challenge you to analyze this season of your life and to determine what are the thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors that you need to unsubscribe to and then take the action to do so. I promise you that where you are going, those things cannot go with you. It is time to unsubscribe. Shift your mindset to be more critical. After all, you are a Masterpiece! Contact me to schedule your 30-minute free Mastermind session.

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