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Will You Rise and Build?

You have all the tools and weapons that you need!

What is keeping you up at night? What is that idea that you just can't let go of? Is there a reoccurring dream that you keep having? Is there a need of your community or family that has been brought to your attention? Do you think of yourself as a leader? These are all questions meant to challenge us in our thinking about our reason for being here on earth.

This blog is meant to remind you that you have a great purpose assigned to you and a divine promise to fulfill. But the question remains, Will You Rise and Build?

When we have a need brought to us or when there is a pulling and tugging on our hearts to do something, we have to be wise in our efforts to respond. We cannot respond out of fear or out of false identity. Having a false sense of who you are will cause you to think that you are not worthy or capable of accomplishing such a tasks or assignment. This is why it is so important and crucial to our success in life to check our references of truth. We have to consistently question the basis of our convictions. You should know without a doubt that your are uniquely positioned to participate in the promise. You have all the right access and all of the necessary resources. Rest assure that there are people divinely assigned to assist in accomplishing the tasks that you are assigned to. These will be unexpected participants and unlikely providers of resources.

When there is a calling on your life, be in agreement quickly. Avoid opposing behaviors and attitudes that will delay not only your encouragement and success but can also delay the freedom or support for others.

We can't accomplish anything without divine strategies and intentional consistence. We have to make the choice daily and often to spend alone time assessing the assignment and just listening for the still small quiet voice to instruct us accordingly. Private time is required for public victory. Also, let's not easily be thrown off by the obvious; opposition and tension will always be present. The best ways to combat opposition is to contend, endure, pray, show single-mindedness and remain sober and vigilant. There will be times of course in our humanness that we will feel unenthusiastic about our assignment. This is the time to push even harder. Hold yourself accountable and conduct internal inventory of your emotions. The sooner that you establish why you're losing your grit, the sooner you can come out of that rut.

Becoming victorious in our assignment is inevitable however, it is also crucial to protect our hearts with diligence and urgency. Don't lose heart. Don't become weary. Remember that your habits create the condition of your heart therefore what you do often dictates your behaviors and attitudes towards your assignment. Don't accept your default attitude about anything. If we are ever going to get to a place of complete obedience, we need a holistic transformation of the heart.

If we continue to be diligent, respond to the needs favorably, trust the process and stay ready so that we don't have to get ready, there is a supernatural completion attached to every tasks that we are assigned to. Others will observe and say, only God did that! Will you rise and build? You have every tool and weapon you need. Go forth and be great beloved. Build your Masterpiece!

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