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Why Should We Forgive?

This is what forgiveness feels like

Forgiving others is the most liberating thing that we can do. When I forgive someone for harming me, I feel like my soul is being hydrated. Unforgiveness does the exact opposite; it makes me feel like I’m in prison dying of thirst. My creativity becomes locked up. My motivation to focus on my purpose is behind bars. I become completely depleted of energy and I find myself unable to rest. My thoughts become consumed by the feeling that I had when the hurt first hit me. The loudness of unforgiveness is deafening and a killer of abundant life.

I choose to forgive even when it still hurts and when I don’t understand so that I can flow freely in the unforced grace that is given to me. I forgive quickly so that my heart doesn’t have time to harden. I forgive often in order to be conscious of the times when I am supposed to plant seeds. Forgiveness allows me to speak well of those that have harmed me. My light is illuminating with the intended power when I forgive. Forgiving often and always is like sprinkling the flavor of love over a bland earth that groans to be seasoned.

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